We are a congregation committed to glorifying God in our
Our teaching focuses on the Bible, proclaiming, explaining, and applying God’s word for salvation, faith, and life. We gather for worship as a fellowship on Sunday but we also believe worship embraces all of life and that what we hear in
We uphold the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as a faithful summary of what the Bible teaches. We believe that humanity has rejected God and plunged itself into rebellion against Him. But God in his love for us has given us his Son, Jesus Christ, and through trusting him we find both forgiveness and freedom.
For more information on the OPC, please visit http://www.opc.org.

Zach Siggins
Pastor Zach Siggins began his ministry at Cornerstone at the end of 2021 and was previously Associate Pastor at Living Hope Presbyterian Church in Gettysburg, PA. He is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary and Penn State University where he earned a degree in History. He previously worked seasonally as a Park Ranger at Gettysburg National Military Park. He and his wife Sandra have three children.

Sandy Finlayson
Elder Sandy Finlayson, served as an academic librarian in Canada and the United States for 41 years. He has degrees from the University of Toronto, MLS, and Tyndale Theological Seminary, MTS. Now retired, Sandy continues to research and write, primarily in the area of Scottish Church history. He is the author of; Chief Scottish Man: the life and ministry of Thomas Chalmers and Unity and Diversity: the Founders of the Free Church of Scotland. Sandy has been an elder at Cornerstone since 2009, and he and his wife Linda have been members since 2002. They have one son.

Tom Sorkness
Elder Tom Sorkness has been an ordained elder in the OPC for more than twenty years. He and his family began attending Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (then Gwynedd Valley OPC) in 2006. Tom has been at various times both a history teacher and administrator at Philadelphia-Montgomery Christian Academy for the past 35 years. He and his wife Lois have eight children and 12 grandchildren. Both Tom and Lois serve on the planning committee for the Presbyterian Family Week held annually at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in New Jersey.

Josh Currie
Josh is married to Bethany. They live in North Wales. Josh works at the Westminster Seminary Bookstore, and graduated from Temple University with a degree in English. Josh has been a member at Cornerstone since 2005.

Mark Mosser
Mark grew up in Upper Bucks and Montgomery Counties. After graduating from college, getting married to Jean, and attending further college courses Mark spent four years in the US Navy including a year-long tour in Vietnam. Since 1973 they have been members of OPC congregations in eastern Pennsylvania including the Gwynedd Valley Church-the predecessor of Cornerstone. Mark was a deacon for about 15 years in one of the congregations. Mark was employed for almost forty years as an aerospace corrosion chemist retiring about four years ago. Jean and Mark have one child and two grandchildren.
Cornerstone is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.